Being part of a church is being part of a family. Like a family, Olive Branch Baptist's adult ministries help people connect as they worship, learn, serve, pray, and share life together.

Sunday School
Sunday School is each Sunday from 10:00 - 10:50 am. We offer classes for all ages and learning styles. Below are the classes for adults.
Meets in the Education Wing, Room 6 - young adults, most with young children
Truth Seekers
Meets in the Education Wing, Room 11- middle age adults, most with teenage children
Fishers of Men
Meets in the Fellowship Hall - middle age adults, most with teenagers or older children
J.O.Y. Class
Meets in the Education Wing, Rooms 7 & 9 - middle age through senior adults
Woman to Woman
Meets in the Education Wing, Room 2 & 4 - women of all ages
Man to Man
Meets in the Education Wing, Room 10 - men of all ages
Meets in the Education Wing, Room 6 - young adults, most with young children
Truth Seekers
Meets in the Education Wing, Room 11- middle age adults, most with teenage children
Fishers of Men
Meets in the Fellowship Hall - middle age adults, most with teenagers or older children
J.O.Y. Class
Meets in the Education Wing, Rooms 7 & 9 - middle age through senior adults
Woman to Woman
Meets in the Education Wing, Room 2 & 4 - women of all ages
Man to Man
Meets in the Education Wing, Room 10 - men of all ages

Reaching Out
At Olive Branch we are committed to showing the love of God to our community. Throughout the year we are involved in different mission efforts that help meet needs and introduce people to Jesus. You can go to the missions page for more information.

METS Senior Ministry
OBBC values ministry to senior adults who contribute much to the life of our church. We have a wonderful and faithful group of adults who are dedicated to the Lord and to loving and caring for each other. The Mets provide opportunities to Meet - Eat - Travel - Serve. We meet the second Thursday of each month, September - May, from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm. Our gatherings will include a devotion, lunch, and activity. Three times a year we will have a day-trip for more fun and fellowship.

In the Bible James writes, "The prayer of a righteous person is very powerful in its effect. " (James 5:16). At Olive Branch, we are committed to praying as individuals privately so we stay close to God and as a church corporately so God can use Olive Branch to build his kingdom and accomplish his will. We gather for prayer each Wednesday night from 7:00-8:00 pm. If you would like for the pastors to pray for you, please submit a prayer request below. If you would like to subscribe to our email prayer chain, please subscribe below.