YC    |   Young Church

Young Church - YC

Young Church is our student ministry program at Olive Branch for students in 6th-12th grades.  Through worship services, discipleship, events, and missions our goal is is to bring youth to Jesus Christ and then help them to grow in their walk of faith with him.  

YC Wednesdays

On Wednesday Nights, our students meet together for a high energy worship service that includes fellowship, food, games, worship, and a bible-based message. We meet in the sanctuary at 6:30 pm for worship and a message and then hang out in the CLC for food, and games until 8:00pm

Sunday School

Sunday School

Sunday School is each Sunday from 10:00-10:50 am
Youth Sunday School meets in room 12 in the education wing.


Each month youth have the opportunity to participate in fun activities that help to build community and encourage a deeper walk of faith with Jesus Christ.



Youth show God's love for others by participating in mission activities. Through these events they learn to use their gifts, grow in their compassion, and lend help to people in need.

God's Young Ladies

God's Young Ladies is for girls in grades 5-12. They meet every other Friday during the school year. They have a time of sharing, a lesson, prayer, crafts and a snack. They focus on issues that girls face and what the Bible says about dealing with them. Come and join us and bring a friend! Questions: Please call the church office and leave a message for
Ms. Becky (434) 636-2228.

Youth 2024-2025 Permission Slip