Each week at Olive Branch everyone studies the Bible to grow in their knowledge and faith. But Sunday school is more than Bible study. It’s a place to meet fellow Christians, and share life together. In these classes friendships are formed. Thus, life’s joys are celebrated and times of need are met with compassion and care.

Sunday School is every Sunday from 10:00 am to 10:50 am
There are classes for every age.

Children's Classes

Nursery and Toddlers

Infants through toddlers are cared for in the classroom that's located in the hallway behind the sanctuary's baptistry. 

Prek and Kindergarten

Preschool and kindergarten children meet in the Education Wing in room 8

1st-5th grade

Children in elementary school meet in the Education Wing in room 5

Middle School and High School Students

Education Wing room 12

Adult Classes

Education Wing Room 6 - young adults, most with young children
Truth Seekers
Education Wing Room 11-  middle age adults, most with teenage children
Fishers of Men
Fellowship Hall - middle age adults, most with teenagers or older children
J.O.Y. Class
Education Wing Rooms 7 & 9 -  middle age  through senior adults
Women to Women
Education Wing Room 2 & 4 - women of all ages
Man to Man
Education Wing Room 10 - men of all ages