Our passion is  to partner with parents to help them point their children to Jesus Christ. Our philosophy echoes the psalmist who prayed God would not forsake him until he was able to declare the power of God to the next generation (Psalm 71:18). Below are the ways we are helping families and their children have a personal and strong relationship with Jesus. Please join us in loving and leading children to Jesus Christ.  

Sunday Mornings

Our goal is to partner with families to teach your kids how very much God loves them and to make Sundays mornings the best part of their week.
9:00 am Worship Service
We have childcare for infants and toddlers in the nursery. Children in preschool through 5th grade participate in the worship service.
Sunday School (10:00 am)
During Sunday School we have classes for children, youth and adults of all ages. Information about Sunday School classes and where they meet can be found HERE.
11:00 am Worship Service
We have childcare for infants and toddlers in the nursery and Preschool Church (for children in preschool and kindergarten) in the preschool room (education wing room 8) during the entire service. Children in 1st through 5th grade begin the service seated with their parents in the sanctuary, and then are dismissed to attend Children's Church. 

The Tree House (Nursery -Kindergarten)

On Sundays for our 9 am and 11 am worship services and Sunday school we have child care for infants and toddlers in our nursery. There is care for preschool and kindergarten children during Sunday school and during the 11 am service. We have hired professionals and volunteers who give excellent care to your children so they learn from an early age that church is a fun and safe place to be.  Also, adults can enjoy the worship service and Sunday school while their children learn about God in an enjoyable environment.

Wednesday Nights

During the school year from September through May we have AWANA each Wednesday night from 6:30 to 8:00 pm. During the evening they enjoy a meal,  Bible lesson, and games.  There are also special activities throughout the year.

Awana Registration

Annual Events

Easter Egg Hunt

April 12, 2025 
Join us at Olive Branch Baptist for an afternoon of games, food and plenty of eggs to find.


July 7-11, 2025
VBS is for children in PreK through 5th grade. Each year children learn stories from the Bible while they also enjoy crafts, music, food, worship and learn about missionaries. VBS is FREE! 

Trunk or Treat

October 29,  2025
Children are encouraged to dress up in their favorite costumes. Children  walk by cars whose trunks are filled with candy and receive their candy. There are also games, food and crafts in the CLC. 

Another Level Basketball

Another Level Basketball is a basketball league for children in K-5th grade. Boys and girls are on separate teams. Registration begins around the first of December. It begins the first Saturday in January and concludes the last Saturday in February. The first Saturday is evaluation day so that teams can be selected. The second Saturday is a practice day. Games are played on the rest of the Saturdays.  There are no practices during the week. Every child receives a team t-shirt and is guaranteed playing each game. The program is FREE!  

Child Dedication

Each May on the Sunday before Mother's Day, we have a child dedication service. The service is an opportunity for parents to dedicate their child to God. They also make a promise before God and the congregation to raise their child in a Christian home, and to teach him/her at an early age about Jesus and Christianity. The congregation also pledges to partner with parents to raise their child in a Christian environment. Children of any age can be dedicated, although parents often dedicate their child the May after their child's birth. If you would like to dedicate your child, please contact PASTOR WAYNE.

Genesis Ministry (Lunch Buddies)

Once a week at La Crosse Elementary School lunch buddies have lunch with a class and have an activity with them afterward. Lunch Buddies also hosts an annual Christmas Program for the school and  a reception for the 5th graders at their graduation. LEARN MORE about  who to contact to volunteer to be a Lunch Buddy.

Camp Concord

Olive Branch supports Camp Concord through financial gifts, volunteers, and enrollment at the camp. Camp Concord is a Christian Camp located on Kerr Lake five miles south of Clarksville, VA just off of Highway 15 South. Camp Concord is operated by the State Line Baptist Assembly, Inc. which was established by the churches of the Concord Baptist Association of Virginia. Their purpose is to lead campers in the deepening of their faith in Jesus Christ. They carefully select and screen their paid staff and their volunteers in order to provide a safe, exciting, and spiritually rewarding week for your child(ren). Camp season is the months of June through August each year. LEARN MORE about the camp including programs, cost and registration. Also, see more of Camp Concord's on FACEBOOK.

Rightnow Media

Rightnow Media is a Christian media streaming service similar to Netflix. Olive Branch partners with Rightnow Media to provide this service to all of our families. Rightnow Media includes many children's videos as well as engaging Bible studies for teenagers and adults and access to national training conferences. Anyone associated with Olive Branch is allowed to set up an account and stream all of the content for free. SET UP your free account and start watching.