You are unique - your gifting, your story, the things that make you come alive. As a follower of Christ, you became the recipient of indispensable gifts. And when the body of Christ is activated using their gifts for God's glory, we unleash God's power to work in powerful ways in our community and world. It starts with you. Jesus calls his followers to a missional life of joy-filled service. Peter wrote, "Each one should use whatever gifts he has received to serve others." (1 Peter 5:12)
Places to Serve
Below are many of the areas of service at Olive Branch Baptist. If you would like to serve, please complete and submit the interest form below. Someone from the ministry will be in touch with you soon. Thanks for serving!
Children's Ministry
- Nursery, Toddler and Preschool Care (Sunday mornings)
- Sunday School Teacher
- Children's Church (Sunday 11 am services)
- Wednesday Night Ministry (Awana)
- Special Events (Trunk - or- treat, Easter Egg Hunt)
- Vacation Bible School
- Lunch Buddies (Genesis Ministry) - Wednesdays lunch time @ LaCrosse Elementary
Youth Ministries
- Wednesday Nights (Food, Games, Chaperones)
- Sunday School Teacher
- Events (Coordinator, Chaperones)
- Missions (Coordinator, Chaperones)
- God's Young Ladies (Leaders)
Adult Ministries
- Sunday School Teacher
- Teller (Count the offering)
- Outreach (Follow up with Sunday visitors)
- Church Publicity
- METS Senior Ministry (Speakers)
- Women on Mission
- CD Ministry
- Selah Center (Crisis Pregnancy)
- Prayer Shawl Ministry
- Acts of Random Kindness (ARK) Events
- Thanksgiving Luncheon
- International Mission Trips
- Local/National Mission Trips
Sunday Worship Services
- Praise Band
- Choir
- Audio Visual Technician
- Usher/Greeter
- Audit
- Camp Concord
- Cemetery
- Concord Association Messengers
- Constitution
- Enlistment
- Facilities Upkeep
- Finance Committee
- Flower (Decorating) Committee
- Homebound
- Hostess (Help with church social events)
- Missions
- Ordinance (Help with Baptism and Lord's Supper)
- Personnel
- Planning
- Property
- Safety/Security
- Setup/Take Down (For churchwide {usually social} events)
- Social Media
- Sound/Media
- Transportation