Lent Devotional

Lent is a time to narrow the focus of the Church to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, to turn from our sin and trust in His atoning work. The approximate 40 days of Lent is a time to prepare ourselves for the joy of Easter as we enter the sorrow and pain which preceded it.
Would you like to know Jesus better? This Lenten devotional will deepen your faith as you journey with our Lord on his way to the cross and the empty tomb. In Lord of Glory Ray Pritchard focuses on a different name of Christ each day. His names tell us who he is. His names tell us why he came. His names tell us how he can help us. His names tell us why we worship him.  This year during Lent, join us on the journey as we learn about the Lord Jesus through the names of Christ revealed in the Bible.  The devotional is written by Ray Pritchard. More information about the author can be found HERE.

Annie Armstrong Easter Offering

Each Easter Season Southern Baptists collect a special offering for North American missions. All of your gifts to this offering go to support Southern Baptist missionaries who are proclaiming the gospel to the lost in North America.

Easter Egg Hunt -  Saturday, April 12

2:00-4:00 pm - All children through 5th grade are invited to enjoy an afternoon of fun. There will be games, food, crafts and egg hunts for individual age groups. 

Easter Cantata - Sunday, April 13

9:30 am - Sunday School
10:30 am - The Sanctuary Choir and will present the cantata, From Silence to Song. The Cantata will retell the story of Jesus' passion with music, and Scripture reading.

Good Friday - April 18

7:00 pm - We will remember the suffering and death of our Savior, Jesus Christ with music and Scripture. 

Easter - April 20

10:00 am - Resurrection Service - Our celebration of Jesus' resurrection begins with a Resurrection Service in the church cemetery.
10:15 am - Breakfast - Join us in the CLC (Christian Life Center) for breakfast.
11:00 am - Worship Service - In music, video, prayer, and Scripture we celebrate Jesus our risen Lord!